This weekend, one of the most popular members of the BCFooty community will line up for Game 50 in the upcoming Cougars v Eagles clash.
Known over the years under many names- Happy Gilmore, PeeWee Herman, Schnoza, RookieCoach to name a few - Freemo has been a fantastic player/coach/board member for both the Cougars and the Eagles over his 50 games.
Always his harshest critic, Freemo has always been a player determined to get the best out of himself and his teammates on the footy field. You can see it on the field in his determination for the ball and at the man and certainly in his elbow (which has been known to rise a little too high from time to time…)!
His desire for success is so strong; you’ll never see a man more disappointed at losing than Freemo. Following a loss, you could swear a close member of his family must have just passed on. If only someone could teach him to stop shaking hands like a little pansy after he loses a game though!!
(not that there's anything wrong with that. - editor)Chris has always been an active member of footy in BC. Be it on either Board or as Coach. During his brief stint as Coach of the Cougars, he took the side on its most successful season runs ever with a 7-2 record and the Premiership. He was duly sacked by the Cougars Board before the start of the next season but happily took up the post of Eagles coach where last year he led the team to an antagonising Grand Final loss against Seattle.
Clearly keen to lead them back to the Grand Final in 2006, a rejuvenated Freemo has recently been playing some of his best footy in years.
Freemo has also been involved in many of the lighthearted moments that make the club what it is, including –
• Managing to get completely nude in the middle of Cowboys nightclub in Calgary because “a girl said she’d buy me a drink” – she did.
• Slicing his ankle open with an axe while chopping wood on a camping trip – an injury that still affects him today.
• Taking great pride in his imitation of certain senior BC Footballers and encouraging others to give it a go.
• Relieving himself in his pants in the bus on the way back from Seattle on one of our road trips – nooooo Chris you did not “spill your drink” as you claim.
• Distributing emails/messages with some of the worst spelling and grammar you will ever see, giving all absolutely no confidence to the Melton education system and indicating that Chris has absolutely no idea where the spell check button is on his computer.
Congrats Freemo on 50 games!
Cougars Career Highlights:
First played – August 2002.
Games – 49 (Eagles 28, Cougars 21)
Goals – 29 (Eagles 17, Cougars 12)
Awards – Cougars Captain 2003; Cougars Premiership Coach 2004; Eagles Coach 2005-06; Dual Premiership Player.
Coaching Record – 19-16 (Eagles - 12-14, Cougars - 7-2)