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Friday, May 12, 2006

EXCLUSIVE: MyK Aussie “Bears” all – I'm no longer an Eagle!

In shocking news broken last night, former Eagle stalwart and self conferred “Aussie-Web-Sports-Video-Celebrity-Media-Funny Guy” MyK Aussie has turned his back on the Eagles to play for the newly formed Calgary Bears.

Despite continuous reassurances during the pre-season to his beloved “Banana-bender” mate and Eagles Skip Stevie Harper, that he’d be back the Eagles jumper this year, the Eagles community was shocked to be alerted to MyK’s defection via MyK’s own website – www.mykaussie.com

Apparently the revelation was posted on MyK’s site about a week ago, but it was only just now that players were able to wade through the various bouncing cheerleader gif files, stories of Pamela Anderson sightings, old footage of MyK at past NFL SuperBowls, MYKwebWORLD’s Massive menu and pictures of MyK with his Pamela cut-off,..to actually discover the news of his move.

When interviewed last night, Harper was quick to say: "I won't deny that I'm a bit surprised by the news. MyK had a good thing going here in Burnaby, including the fact that Freeman has a soft spot for ageing veterans”….

Eagles coach Freeman was quite dismayed upon logging in and reading the news himself. "I’m not going to lie – it’s a bit of a slap in the face for the Eagles. I named MyK our best clubman last year and to see him so quickly turn his back on a club that gave him so much is a little disappointing. MyK will be lucky to replicate his 2005 on-field performance in Calgary. I think its now a proven fact that my unique coaching technique are the sole reason that ageing veterans in their early 40s, late 30s such as Myk, Pete Taylor, the Wiz etc. are playing their best footy at the end of their careers".

When quizzed if his decision to stay in Calgary was influenced by a lovely young Calgary lass (a reason that could almost be accepted), MyK was quick to rebuke the question…"Mateeeeeeee, unfortunately things with the ladies aren’t much better over here in Calgary than they were in Vancouver..but things will turn around though you know, I mean, geez, they love the hat….you know what I saying…they love the hat. Ye see, chicks here in Calgary…there used to seeing guys wear hats…you know, with their Cowboy hats and stuff…and me Aussie hat’s a bit different you know…so it gets there attention…that’s all I need mate…just a little in and I can take it from there….they love it…. "

MyK’s move to the Bears should really come as no surprise to anyone in the NWPAFL circles. It seems in recent times that MyK seems keen to play for every single side in the NWPAFL before his ageing body gives out. He’s already donned the Calgary Kangaroos, Vancouver Cougars and Burnaby Eagles jumpers as these photos attest to…

Calgary sources report that MyK is now furiously putting his body through a strict training regime in order to be as fit as possible for the Big Kelowna tournament in June. Apparently he is on the one hand - keen to show his new Calgary teammates that he can still contribute on the field and on the other - keen to prove former Coach Freeman that he wasn’t the only reason for his age defying 2005 on field performances.


At 5:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former stalwart of the club, it is very very disappointing to see such a move made by "Myk Aussie". He was the only reason half of us played with Burnaby last year.

Pull the corks away from your eyes "Kym" and see the mistake you have made!



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